19 May 2008

Resource and Friends Lists

I added a couple lists. The resources lists is SD stuff only for now, not the cool BC places I know. I'm trying to stick to places I know from experience, but if you want me to check out a site, leave me a comment or send me a mail.

I am sure more friends ahve web sites or blogs. We just don't know them all. So please drop me a line or leave a comment if you have a site you think I miht want on there. Also if I have your site on there and you'd rahter I didn't for whatever reason.

Edited to add: I removed the resource list in early June because of some concerns that some people in Denmark want to use me as a source of information to improve their private business. I don't find this attitude acceptable, so I've removed my info lists for now. If you are a private individual looking for resources for training your own service dog, PLEASE e-mail me and I'd be happy to help you out. I'm just not interested in giving out free information to people who expect me to teach them how to their jobs for free.

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